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栏目:教学成果作者: 管理员发布时间: 2012-10-31 21:56:11阅读: 20956次

2011年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(高一年级组初赛)于11月20日在我校举行。同学们于星期日上午9点开始竞赛。在所有竞赛选手中于心澄、杨阳、方雨骁、赵天然、周嘉宁、慕雨、刘笑榕、赵东玥、王依桐 杨柳菁菁等10名同学获复赛资格。


The National English Contest for middle school students was held in Xi’an Gaoxin No.1 High School on November 20th,2011. Among these candidates, Yu Xincheng, Yang Yang and other 8 students were admitted to the final contest.

Congratulations to them and congratulations to Xi’an Gaoxin No.1 High School.

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