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栏目:最新消息作者: 管理员发布时间: 2017-04-17 13:00:00阅读: 13584次

 2017-04-17 王灵一 


2016.9.4 戏剧社成军

2017.3.26 戏剧社获得EdTA全国青少年戏剧节多人剧目组金奖



社团初创,第一部戏“范进中举”,因为人员稀缺、场地有限、观众寥寥等原因,所有成员的努力几乎付之东流。我始终记得那十几页的剧本里反复琐碎的细节修改,抽出周末时间加班加点的排练,所有经费自掏腰包。其中艰辛,不言而喻。原本宣称要来的二十个人里,最终只留下了一半,而这十个人中,也只有四个人在第二学期转社团时依旧选择留在戏剧社。这四个人里, 学习优劣不一,性格迥异,然而唯一相似的正是对戏剧热忱而真挚的情感。即使在戏剧社最低谷的时期,他们也不曾轻言放弃。


新学期的到来为戏剧社注入新的血液。几位“戏骨”的加盟,培训老师的替换,让几乎丧失信心的社团重振旗鼓。在微信公众号上了解到这次比赛的情况,九个初出茅庐的少年,在到处搜罗挑选剧本之后,开始了紧锣密鼓的排练。敲定的《演砸了(The Play That Goes Wrong)》剧本,是一个山寨社团因为经费不足而在舞台上出现一系列故障的幽默喜剧,剧中的社团也恰好就是我们社团的缩影。本着将搞笑进行到底的精神,所有成员在排练过程中出现的一系列错误也被添加到剧本中,构成了一部独特的”The Play That Goes Wrong”。





戏剧社社长  2019届国一五班  王灵一

2016.9.4 Our drama club established.

2017.3.26 Our drama club won the firstprize in the EdTA Drama Festival.

With the hard work of 9 club members and 1 teacher in 205 days, our club finally got the first drama prize in the history of  our school clubs.


At the very beginning of our drama club,our first piece “Fan Jin Zhong Ju”was a total failure due to the lack of actors and the limit of space, which means all our hard work had to becast cast to the winds. However, I still remember those repetitive revisions inthe play script and the volunteering overtime rehearsal. Between ten team members, only four remained after finishing the first piece who are entirely different in character but all devoted to drama.


The beginning of a new term actually brought hope to our club——five excellent actors and new coaches joined in. The critically selected play scriptis “The Play that Goes Wrong”, which is a fabulous comedy in which the audience is invited to laugh along because everything is going disastrously wrong. To foster the spirit of being humorous, we also added every mistaken details in the play while rehearsing, which makes it a unique production of our club.


During the practice of this piece, I can indeed see that all the team members overcome their weaknesses in English by speaking out loud on the stage; I can indeed see that those nervous students begin to follow their will while those outgoing students learn how to control themselves to    act as the role in the play; I can indeed see that every single member contributes to the play; I can indeed see that those so-called “poor”students become moreand more confident…


Despite the competition of grades, thevariety of character and the criticize of social value, drama never gives upevery child who is not treated gently by the world. Every person has a totally equal opportunity to grow up and I guess that’s why our drama club is established.


Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. We will always try our best to learn and spread the culture and spirit of drama.

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