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栏目:最新消息作者: 管理员发布时间: 2012-10-24 04:14:31阅读: 19167次

2010年4月16日,国际课程班49名同学参加了加拿大数学竞赛,从世界各地1187所学校的16180名学生中脱颖而出,取得了令人振奋的优异成绩。40名同学获得了为世界排名前25%而颁发的优异证书(Certificate of Distinction),史植尹同学以84分的高分,位居2255名国际学生世界前5%,获得了由竞赛组委会颁发的学校冠军的奖牌(School Championship)。

    On 16th April 2010,49 students of INTERNATIONAL CENTRE OF XI’AN GAO XIN NO.1 SENIOR SCHOOL took part in the Euclid mathematics competition of Canada, they gained higher marks and ranked the top of 16180 students from 1187 schools in the world. 40 of them gained the certificates of distinction which were designed for 25% of total candidates. Especially, SHI ZHIYIN got the score of 84, on the top of 5% of 2255 students in the globe, and he was awarded the School Championship by the COMPETITION COMMITTEE.

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